Roald Dahl’s Warning to Anyone Who Doesn’t Believe In Magic

It’s even more pertinent because his life was full of so much pain

Andy Murphy
5 min readDec 27, 2022
Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

“A little magic can take you a long way.” — Roald Dahl

What few people realise about Roald Dahl’s life is that it was full of fame and good fortune, but also of trauma.

He was caned at school, for example, but that was only the beginning of his pain.

He tragically lost his sister at the age of three, then quickly grieved the death of his father who passed shortly after of grief (medically known as pneumonia).

In later life, he was badly injured in an air crash that broke his nose and left him in pain for the rest of his life and was devastated by the death of his own daughter at the age of seven.

Olivia died of measles but her spirit lives on through the BFG — a piece of art he dedicated to her life.

All this being said, he somehow never gave up on magic.

That’s why he famously said:

“ Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

What ought to have been an idyllic childhood for Roald Dahl turned out to be a difficult and challenging one.

